Dreamer's Art

Tales From The Daybreak

Hello, and welcome to the Daybreak! This story is centered around the three crewmates of the starship Daybreak, and is inspired by my solo adventures in Scum and Villainy. The system is my own, but draws a lot of themes and larger worldbuilding elements (the Hegemony, etc) from the world of Scum and Villainy. There's also some inspiration taken from Starforged.

The Basics

The Aspidae sector is a chaotic one. Located at a key hyperspace lane between the wild frontier and the bustling land of Hegemonic space, its systems see all the wide variety of travelers that the galaxy has to offer - research vessels, corporate haulers, independent explorers, pilgrims of religious and magical varieties, and, of course, the everpresent blend of pirates, scrappers, runaways, and the like.

Such a whirlwind of a place makes it an ideal spot to try and make a name for yourselves, or to disappear. But most people are just trying to make a living. Such is it for the crew of the Daybreak, a semi-respectable transport ship working out of the Eris system. Between questionable jobs, shady friends, and the pasts each of them are running from, they'll have to find some way to keep themselves and their ship afloat without catching too much heat from the ever-present eyes of the Hegemony.

Major Characters


Age: 31
Pronouns: he/him
Gender: Male
Relationships: Xathal (crewmate), Kietah (crewmate)
Playbook: Muscle

Maysen is the original "owner" of the Daybreak, and used to be a pit fighter before he became a courier. He is generally pretty chill, but is known to take extreme risks when faced with unjust situations, or when those he cares about are threatened.


Age: 6 (17 in human years)
Pronouns: she/her
Gender: Bug
Relationships: Xathal (crewmate), Kietah (crewmate)
Playbook: Pilot

Kietah is the Daybreak's pilot, and loves nothing more than the feeling of racing through space. She ran away from home to become a racer before joining up with the Daybreak when she realized that the types of races she wanted to join weren't just going to let some random kid in. She's the most talkative of the crew, and often gets Maysen to come into the cockpit and chat with her while she's flying.


Age: 25
Pronouns: any/all
Gender: Irrelevant
Relationships: Maysen (crewmate, life-debt), Kietah (crewmate)
Playbook: Mechanic

Xathal is the mechanic of the Daybreak, with the ability to communicate with machinery. They signed up for a series of experiments being done by an important biotech company out of financial desperation at twenty-one and have only recently managed to escape from their clutches. She is very quiet, often to the point of complete silence, and is determined to keep the life he's carved out for himself at any cost.
